vatican underground tunnelsglenn taylor obituary

Will we ever know? Where ignorant armies clash by night. Yes, you read that right. Local tour guide Aurelia Madeira explained in 2020: We know that where there were Templars, there were tunnels. It is hard when we are being told this and that while its all being carried out so secretly that we dont get to see the evidence of it happening. They might ban me but wont be the first time! New video shows smoke billowing from beneath the White House after massive explosions were heard emanating throughout Washington, D.C. Over 200,000 children were rescued, 1000s of bodies were recovered and mass arrests were made during the military operation. The cubic feet of Gold that was supposedly found under the vatican would have weighed 74 trillions pounds or 37 billion tons! I am convinced also that our God can and does protect everything for us. Whole thing looked pretty bogus to me as well right from the start. crazy. He also show the barges that go down to GItmo. He said: If the Templars had any secret treasure, it remains secret, but I see no special reason why they did have any. The only thing Ive seen is the flashes at the White House & I was awake at 3 in the morning to see all the busses at the Capital, all the military in and out of the Capital & White House that one night in January of 2021. I encourage you to research. Maybe it is time alone will tell. watch all 35 episodes of the Fall of the Cabal on Rubble and Bitchute, or on their website. Its best to watch and pray. I am living in Bulgaria in a town named Plovdiv, and it looks like it is on the route of that tunnel. The tax payers will NOT bail them out. I dont expect everyone to simply believe what I say. Hi GS! Tell those facts to Catherine Austin Fitts, she probably will not believe it. Hi Mitko, I have only read this article now, presented by a International Press show called Connect the dots which is one of our best truther canals in Germany. Thats amazing in itself isnt it? In 1492, Pope Alexander VI finished the wall in its current form as seen today. Sure there is enough gold to back all the currencies, just raise the price of gold. He doesnt hide it, he comes right out and states these things, in the endeavour of helping others who may have found themselves in these places. Do some research. for the world, which seems CA the worst. Marilyn, I just got here though a link at Telegram. BTW i heard they also had some scriptures / possible books that may havew been meant for the bible ? Using Ordinary People For Extraordinary Events, Italy scrambles to contain second wave as daily COVID-19, Italys daily COVID-19 cases hit new high. The biggest gold mines are not known. How to Understand Symbolism in Revelations, How They Connect Wicked Secret Underground Cities. and went for 150 miles. It was built by the J. Paul Getty Foundation for Queen Elizabeth and now houses much of the loot once . Its a very sad state of affairs He recently found out the who some of them were got their address, phone number and the lot! I try to keep under the radar as much as possible as there are many headings I would prefer to use but choose not to. My apologies re. Thanks for sharing and looking forward for more posts like this. The Australian military recently discovered over 300,000 tortured children in underground Melbourne tunnels and it was estimated that in the next couple of weeks, over a million children would be brought out of a network that circled beneath Australia. Now we go to the 5th demention and life happy everafter. The drills are called "Guardians of Velayat Sky . Here in Tasmania we still sometimes see the odd chemtrail but not as many as before. The Secret Tunnel Under The Vatican | uCatholic Joel 2: 1 Blow the Trumpet in Zion Sound the Alarm in My holy mountain. Yes, he has a doctorate and is well able to use Dr before his name. The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. Starting from the Vatican City, for the first 150 miles, (241 kms) there was found a huge amount of gold stacked 13 levels high. It helps us learn consequence of action as new souls need to understand before making their ascension. My response: Such interesting information thank you Armida! I am quite confident that one after another, all these things will be stopped which is great news dont you think? But you do have to be prepared to ask the HS to lead you into all truth and He will even if its different to what you may have been taught. Hi Russell, I have heard, but I really do not know if its true or not, that the old chemtrails have already been stopped. Nesara/ Gesara, Please go to Duck Duck Go or You Tube and put these words in individually. I have added a link to my post How they connect wicked secret underground cities because of your question. Never-the-less, Ive been searching through the many Charlie Ward videos to see if I could find where he speaks of it. Ive been in the truth community for quite some time and research extensively. God doesnt lie. These cookies do not store any personal information. No, of course, it wasnt. It amazes me that the ds got away with it all for such a long time. From all the information Ive been given, there is more than enough gold in the world to easily back up all the worlds individual currencies. Id like to think its true our world needs it. Quantum Financial System. Thanks also for the extra links you provided.. A tunnel from the Vatican to Jerusalem. Hi Stacy, I am not understanding the new end time change from what I was taught, rapture, marriage supper, christian judgment from our book of life after we are resurected and in Heaven. DAMN the RCC to HELL. The date is always changed to current. We will be well off. It was completely necessary that they kept the worlds attention on the virus which allowed them to clean out the tunnel and other necessary work that needed to be done. And historian and author Paulo Alexandre Loucao explained why it was key to the ancient Catholic order. We keep on going, trying our best to alert sleeping people and encourage those who are awake. This Dr. title in front of his name isnt how its done. During that time he got himself involved in things that he is not proud of these days, but not a lot different to a lot of young fellows. Charlie Ward and Gene Decode: Horrifying D.C. D.U.M.B.s, Amazing Part time truck driver and church pastor Timothy Dixon has said that the Almighty directed an angel to tell Dixon that a Jubilee is coming to the earth soon, directed by the Almighty. Thats what I say! Children being Rescued in Tunnels: Happening Now What Really Lies Hidden in the Vatican Secret Archives? There are Med beds being set up for release after Nesara is activated. In Italy many earthquakes of slight intensity All 10 km deep Also in the Adriatic Sea between Italy and Croatia There is also talk of a tunnel that connects Italy with America . The Apocrypha books are important ! Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Its a poison substance that has never been approved. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. The 1500 Mile Tunnel From the Vatican to Jerusalem - More Gold Than You There is a lot of jealousy over Charlie and therefore the trolls that come against him. But for those of us who have really discerning minds, we were the ones considered conspiracy theorists by most everyone else because we were being good Bereans. I think it was around December someone posted a video of the Vatican blacked out for several hours one night we had no idea what happened until I heard later gene decode mention them finding and taking a vast amt of gold, ancient artifacts, missing books of the Bible, and meticulous records of everything taken. August/Sept/Oct have all been slated as HUGE months and from everything we are seeing, that is truly the case. This is what I find so shocking! "Everyone will soon learn about this Satanic evil that has been going on for many, many years under the knowledge of U.S . Keep the faith Clay it will happen. Try to follow the intel that is letting you know whats really going on. Apparently, you are an epic troll! 10 secret tunnels in London that you'll probably never see - Thinking Bob John uses the same apochraphyl language as Daniel. October 22, 2020 There is every chance that Rakovski had a link to the main Vat-Jer tunnel and what you heard was more than possibly it being destroyed, which is wonderful, dont you think? By the time I hit the groundi had Hashimotos disease. Find Robert done extensive research . Gold was $325 oz. Reservations for the Scavi tour can be made through the Vatican Excavations Office. God also says Hes coming back for a glorious church without spot or wrinkle and we are the church. Charlie Ward is in direct contact with some of the high-up military. Essentially they just imagine the tunnels into existence. More Gold Than You Can Imagine Found in the Tunnel Did the Cabal get to him too ? We are in good hands. Hi jb, And certainly it would be a place where the Templars would perform not only funeral rituals but also initiation rituals.. So interesting, thanks for your hard work. Visitors can see the new underground areas through guided tours booked through the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, a non-profit governmental body that manages the Western Wall. Im not saying its fact, but you have to open your mind to the possibility of it. I believe it is nearing. Everyone has been through the same. If you have not seen this. Mark Taylor told this prophecy on page 11 of 12 of Taylors 21 Prophecies. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Via Labicana, 95 Open Mon-Sat, 10am-12pm; 3pm-5pm; Sun 12pm-5pm Entry fee: 10, reduced 5. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. Also, please remember he has to be very clever in what he says. It is very hard trying to bring truth to people when the source of what is going on is not direct or always clear. Besides youve never heard anything like it and it sounds fantastic? Thanks so much for contacting me Debbie! London's deepest tunnel will also be its least-seen. However, if all of this is true, it surely will be the greatest story ever told. There are many relevant, yet only historical , written pages in our world. So where did the Pharisees and Sadducees disappear? A massive treasure that dates back about 2,000 years is hidden deep underground in Italy's capital city. Not the web of lies created by satans spidermen fact checking us and telling us that we are incorrect for believing in truth and not believing the lies that they spin. Honestly, if he would have condemned it, they would have humiliated him on msm. If you followed Trump you would have known he pushed personal responsibility as you should have done your research. The report in Iran's Tasnim News comes amid tensions in the region and Iran's increased enrichment of uranium. Working out who the beast is to me seems to be one of the most important aspects of understanding how current events line up with Gods Word. How did it get there? If there is that much gold underground, the above ground quantities will drop in price unless the new stash is kept secret. Very strange. What an amazing time for all. Id love to know HOW they found covid in the air as they have not been able to isolate it interesting. There is much more to the Vatican than just being the home of Saint Peter's Basilica and being the smallest country on earth. I hadnt heard of Dane Wiggington before but I have just bookmarked his site for further examination. I may be right or we could both be completely wrong only time will tell. Lets research them and see what we come up with. We didnt know the anything about what was going on under our feet, and the bit we did know completely pales in comparison to reality. When I do see a chemtrail in the sky, which is not often these days, I tell myself they are spraying hydroxychloroquine to heal the skies. And the kings of the earth who committed sexual immorality with her and lived with her in shameless luxury will weep and beat themselves in grief over her when they see the smoke from her burning. None of these stories ever was backed up with factual reporting. He is able to protect what is His. in 2003, it may be headed there again. That was the first vax Hoax for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ J. Hi J I just saw your comment come in and wanted to address it immediately. Hi Virginia! Dan 12 says seal up the words of my prophesy, its going to be a long time, 3 1/2 YRS, a long time. Knights Templar's lost gold treasure tunnels found under - Metro I heard 13 stacks was 6m x 4m wide on pallets with detailed logs of where it was taken from. Actually no-one is asking you to believe it Marlene what we are asking you to do is research for yourself. thanks alot for posting ! God is good! Yes, we all need to be vigilant and keep our eyes firmly on God above and the White Hats its all coming together. If they are, keep quiet and let them do their job. Yes, Im aware of this these days Im always searching thank you. The Vatican: Photos Reveal What's Beneath St. Peter's - LIFE Huge Victory According To Joel. All that Templars & Jesuits have been about has been to create world government in opposition to Jesus Christ real justice of HIS Kingdom. The amount of gold is absolutely huge and far more than anyone ever imagined. What they have done is simply return the gold to whichever country it came from. Questo successo anche in Sardegna che si trova nel mare Mediterraneo. According to what Dr Charles Ward and others say, there are many books recovered from the Vatican that are supposed to be a part of the Bible. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. It was ready for 2000, but no president ever wanted to enforce. Thank you Father for all these blessings. Apparently, all the gold found under the Vatican and elsewhere, was completed documented as to where it came from. I believe it will be. Besides History books having to be rewritten so will the Bible. Then they blow them up and move on to the next diligently. 14Yes, the fine fruit that you desired has left you, and all the delicacies and the splendid things have vanished from you, never to be found again. Him only. Its like when a good spirited person enters the room the others tend to become happy as welk.. Myth, Reptilians & Underground Bases - Dr. Rita Louise Is the Vatican underground? Assets will be transferred into other hands for legal ownership. Its coming! I cant believe anyone believes this garbage No pictures or eye witness statements or anything to verify. And who likes likes, and who doesnt like, oh, well. Anyone who knows basic math can tell you that there is no way there was a quantity of gold that equaled 60 metres high, by 120 metres wide There are of-course, many wonderful believers in these churches. All of that wealth and still children are homeless and starving. Thanks for your comments! You can check that out for yourself. Military Continues Child Rescue Out Of Underground Tunnels Across The His people have gone on to their rewards for centuries with Acts 2:38 and living dedicated Holy lives in His care. They have all gone over my house repeatedly as I am on a flight line. Constructed using a 750mm diameter, crawl thru drainage tube, which has been professionally cut and joined to the entry panels using a clamping system. The article alleges that Jeffery Epstein is alive and in military custody and sharing intel about more tunnels. Anything that makes it easier is worth it. Btw. I also have a question about whether or not chem trails will be stopped now, and the poisoning of our crops and GMO altering of our food. It is no wonder that there are secrets buried beneath it. Blessings!!, Thank you so much Bonnie! PlusJessie Czebotar of Illuminate The Darkness weighs in and takes your questions. It is kinda funny, but for why is heartbreaking. f 1 kilo bars of gold were placed end-to-end for 1,433 miles, the weight would be 929,799,277 Troy ounces. Charles Ward, PhD. Ahh Denbo! Hi JayR! That hasnt been hidden though not considered inspired scripture (I think Im gonna go buy a copy and check it out.) Perhaps the most disappointing theory, and possibly, by far the most likely, is the idea that the Vatican's Secret Archive holds no earth-shattering secrets at all. Some of the comments on here just seem absurd, but Id like to read, They were referring to Dane Wigington here is one of his sites: Military with other countries have been saving the caged, tortured children in tunnels and Dumbs. Thank you again! Trevi Fountain Underground Tour - Underground tunnels found at Templar's 'Vatican' stronghold March 04, 2021 In the city of Tomar stands the Church of Santa Maria do Olival, built in the second half of the 12th century by the provincial master of the Order of the Knights Templar in Portugal, Gualdim Pais. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. Thanks for your responses great! I think its funny people who actually dig and do research get mocked by those who have done absolutely none. Hope so ready for movie to end, I took David Wilcock class last year , he talked about Vatican to Jerusalem tunnel said in eqypt you can dig all over and find stuff but its illegal, Im to the point just want peace , money doesnt mean that much for some reason. Rough estimate, but thats what people should hope and wait for. The 1500 Mile Tunnel From the Vatican to Jerusalem - Before It's News It is more that we plant seeds in the hope it will cause people to start doing their own research. God wins! VATICAN CITY (AP) A genetics expert retained by the family of a girl who went missing in 1983 said Saturday that a cavernous underground space near a Vatican cemetery holds thousands of bones . Marilyn Williams Been studying them for 4yrs now. New excavations are opening up a 2,000-year-old underground road that lies beneath Wadi Hilweh Street in the Palestinian neighbourhood of Silwan, leading from the Siloam Pool (where Jesus healed. MonkeyworksYou Tube. i was just looking some up last night , heres some interesting links AND here Thank you! Thanks. Our world is in a complete mess, worse than any of us had any idea about. Thank you Caroline! The false-prophet is undoubtedly the pope or the black pope? Yes I think I would love a copy also Hi Diane! Some interesting info here thank you. Some will tell of terrible things to come and how we must prepare because the D/eep S/tate are going to do this and that. What Lies Beneath: Tunnels for Trafficking, Or Just a Subterranean All we can do is have faith that God made sure the most important parts have remained intact. Rabbi Berger claims that the Catholic Church constructed a tunnel underneath King David's Tomb, ignoring the Jewish religious claim to the site and endangering artifacts and catacombs dating back to Biblical times. Almighty God will cause a stock market crash bankrupting many corrupt businesses upon corrupt New York City criminal stock exchange. I do believe God is at the helm and and Hes more than had enough the time for Him to act has come. Regarding the biblical findings, I think that the God that hung the stars and moons, separated darkness from light, and created every needful and beautiful thing , can keep all the books we need, in His care. Calling him a pedo is about as bad as it gets when all the fellow is trying to do is tell the truth. Gold in tunnels under the Vatican, now taken to the U.S. (2) Sequestered Illuminati and Cartel Wealth (3) Gold from the Chinese elders, buried in underground Taiwanese vaults (4) Gold brought from off-planet (5) The St. Germaine World Trust (6) Historic bonds (7) Income-tax refunds (8) Hi Clay! CHILDREN BEING RESCUED FROM TUNNELS BY THE MARINES: Not confirmed yet seems apparent from reports coming in. The Greatest War in History, Light Versus The Dark, The Secret Place. DUMBS well if real, there is only talk about them. We will be backed by gold soon, so it will be very important. There is no possible way for anyone to know exactly how much gold has been mined, and horded away, When gold itself is virtually useless, and no-one needs it. Be encouraged! Do not believe in reincarnation!!!!!. You can read all the Trump Prophecies here: Im sorry, but I have to disagree with you! Basilica of San Clemente. Small earthquakes all over the world. Thats over a 600% increase in gold reserves. Thank you for alerting us to those prophecies. Thank you so much Les! The Regavim Movement filed a petition against the Jerusalem Municipality on Tuesday, demanding law enforcement against an illegal subterranean tunnel dug by the Church of the Dormition on Mount Zion, in the heart of Jerusalem's Old City. All I hope to do is steer people in the general direction of asking questions and seeking answers. They will heal the mind. Fort Knox depository had 147,341,858 Troy ounces secured in 2018. Judge and research for yourself please. Remember we stand together, you are not alone. etc. Veterans. Thank you. If this is so, as Nesara/Gesara is rolled out and the Quantum Education System begins, Im quite sure these books will become available to everyone. I do not think we will get all of the money promised at once or it would shut down the economy but we will not be scrimping from one day to the next anymore. I believe it explains your questions well. Hi David, There are tunnels all over the world. We need to be able to see what is really taking place and not allow the enemy to confuse our minds. I suspect not, but rather hes just a paytriot making himself a nice buck and feeding his ego. Secret Tunnels Of The Knights Templar Discovered In Israel They are believed to have been of strategic importance for the Templars to escape when they came under siege. Rome's Ancient Catacombs | National Geographic - History "I raised six kids in this . It seems the Bible is a collection of scriptures that is whatever some people decide it is. But not children. Some of the routes were closed up, but other tunnels can still be found in the forest that surrounds Tomars fortress. I would so much love to hear from you some more details, if you would care to. Sorry Anna, I might not have made it clear enough. Well, Im a retired special forces guy with 20 years Navy, Retired. Wont it be wonderful when our troubled world is flooded with light. The Underground Tunnel with Angled Entry Panels is great for children to adventure through. The Bible was put together over time. Il livello del mare Adriatico nella parte nord (dove abitavo) calato di circa 20 centimetri. Andover Wrestling Coach, Transitional Housing For Parolees In California, Quest Diagnostics Lab Supplies Order Form, Richard Jefferson Twin Brother, Significado De Las Flores En Corea, Articles V