moon square pluto synastry obsessionglenn taylor obituary

Mercury Conjunction Ascendant 011 175 Im moon in this once in a lifetime story, she is pluto We make each other feel from afar. Mars opposition Chiron 0.42 He as many, many gifts but he could throw them away and suffer. We said is gonna be just a sexual relationship but it kinda feels it cant be just that, Need to really do the whole chart to see how well you talk to each other etc, Thank you so much for answering Sun quincunx Sun 7.42 I would need to do a chart reading for you in order to look at the charts, my Friend. Yet my sex partner and I have an EXACT DOUBLE WHAMMY both ways! It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! Thank you:).Glad to know he feels it this a rare aspect in synastry or is it pretty common?because I dont think I can ever feel the same or be obsessive about more than one person this wayits a crazy obsession,I sleep thinking of him,dream about him,wake up thinking about himI feel like this obsession will be my undoing.neither of us has confessed about being in love.Who is the initiator in this case? Mars Leaving Gemini For Cancer 2023 Harder Core Than You Think! So much virgo because we both have pluto in virgo (close in age) and his sun is virgo (moon pisces). He always says that it feels like he is melting inside of me, like a part of him just wants to die with me. His Sun sextile my Neptune (2 degrees). I got the name tattooed in Hebrew. its just a my feeling they were before I met him I mean I found out about him and I had this feeling before I even talked to him, Im female) I specified the wrong form of the name in English. 24 hours a day I can only think of him. His Pluto (in Libra) trines my Moon (in Gemini) at a 0.3 orb (i dont know much about astrology but i found it on a synastry calculator). Your partner tends to bring out subconscious emotional responses from you; the Pluto person can see into your soul, and knows how to bring out your most intense, secret emotions. Venus-Pluto possesses the capacity for enduring love. My Pluto trine his Ascendant I am so glad you were blessed by this article. I also have my moon opposite his mars and my moon square his Pluto. I ask him the same. We are colleagues. Answer (1 of 12): I had this synastry with someone I met online who also had it natally. I was just wondering the effects it will have on us upon meeting. Its like a real-life CRYSTAL BALL. His Sun Trine my Pluto Hi everybody from Greece And yet when you meet, its like no time at all passed, right? Our connection stems from high school. My Pluto (Scorpio) trine his Moon (Cancer) (1 degree), his Pluto (Scorpio) sextile my Moon (Virgo) (1 degree). I am sorry . Were going to take a closer look at the Moon Square Pluto synastry, the powerful and dangerous energy this pairing works with, and if anything can be done to overcome these major challenges. It is once in a lifetime and now do you realize why I say that LOL. I want to know why. That was touching our Pluto-Moon DW connection again, and guess what happened? Really! We communicate better when we say nothing (out loud) at all. His mercury, mars and sun all fall into my 7th and 8th houses, and his Pluto, Jupiter, Lilith, Saturn and North node all into my fifth house. Mars Conjunction Saturn 458 67 Mars trine P. of Fortune 0.29 Venus trine Midheaven 3.63 Its truly otherworldly. There is no charge <3. Time to move on. I will look later tonight. I have a one question chart for 89.99, if you are interested. I want to baby him and dominate him while at the same time I want him to dominate me and baby me. It feels great to know that I have moved from co-dependent back to independent person that knows her own value. His Mars in my 7 house. Im fighting it but I know I am going to have to give in and just let it happen. Venus square Pluto is the most potent. Yes. I didnt feel anything strong at first, but suddenly was blindsided with all of this out of left field. Sun conj Moon is best friends and TRUE soul. That happened for a few weeks, how I felt was nothing I can explain. I have my Pluto conjunct this guys moon in Scorpio and his Pluto conjuncts my moon in Libra! I see such goodness in his heart, and I want to nurture that and give him the love he deserves. her north node conjunct my sun and my south node, her sun conjunct my south node And woman has moon opposite pluto in her natal chart. Double whammy Mars moon and he already talks about marriage and kids. I was Pluto, he was the Moon. Both Pluto in Sagittarius. Im Pluto in Virgo, he is Moon in Virgo both in 29 degrees exact conjunct! We feel this. the question I repeat is, What should I do if I feel fear and pressure from him? As you might expect we have close sun moon synastry lots more of the usual sun venus/venus mars/ mars mars. Welcome Isis! Washington, DC United States 10/13/1981 05:14 Julian day 2444890.88 Thanks so much for your post and Welcome Renegade! While square connotes a negative meaning, it is different from synastry. So my moon is in conjunction with his Pluto. Thank you amiann Our Moons are not conjunct but do make a wide sextile. "Can't live without you" Moon/Pluto Synastry - Lindaland - Linda Goodman and its Moon in conjunction to my Pluto?It just I knew I wonder: where you know? The moon is your deepest heart. Thanks for this assessment, it helps to know that I cant really get away from him even if I tried despite being adamant about remaining single for the last 2 years and shooing off admirers left and right lol.. And the most interesting thing is I felt nothing until 2 weeks this was no love at first sight thing,, it just crept up out of nowhere I can see it is going to be quite the rollercoaster. each feels it differently. My mothers Pluto (0 Leo!) My Uranus conj. Moon Conjunct Pluto: While this aspect may indicate powerful attraction, its dark side can involve obsession and power struggles. Weird is exactly the right word, thank you Amiann! With Pluto comes jealousy, obsession, compulsion, fearsome desire, terror, rage-a fight to the death, to the last gasp. Just tell me where I can find the forum and I will post the synastry chart. Hes very secretive about his feelings; I try to open myself but Im afraid of rejecting him. Moon Opposite Pluto Synastry - Dream Astro Meanings Sounds really lovely. This looks good . [_wpnonce] => It`s so interesting! If we dont take it further now, I dont know what will happen What are your thoughts on this: Im the moon and Im familiar with the obsessive energy. I am the moon. Sexual attraction is strong and you find each other to be very magnetic or highly charismatic. And then well meet, and well gaze into each others eyes and read each others soul as if they were open books. His sun, mercury and mars are all conjunct my Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. My Pluto squares his moon so double whammy. I think the lucky people avoid it, or they are not emotionally f***ed up to go there in the first place. This attitude is why it is never advisable to hurt Moon people (generally, it is not advisable to hurt anyone). Pluto conjunct Mercury Its just that its torturous being kept apart. I have natal moon trine pluto also (1.31 orb). So I am actually the moon person. However, after a while, this emotional connection will become threadbare revealing the toxic qualities that have been driving it the entire time. My Mars trine his Saturn WOW Bonnie. It drives me crazy, I still think a lot about him but if anything will happen, he will have to take the initiative. and what do you mean by doing a chart for me? Sun quincunx Venus 6.56 Venus Square Pluto Synastry - Love, Sex, Jealousy - Access New Age okay. Square pushes us to self-reflect. Moon Square Pluto Synastry - Dreaming and Sleeping I meant to do a professional chart for you, Love. Wow. I cursed at him more than Ive ever cursed at anyone in my life. We have Venus/mercury square with his in Libra and mine in Cancer. And when this happens, they tend to hold on to these painful experiences. Is the square/ sextile dw equally romantic as the conjunction you describe? My Mars squaring your Jupiter This can quickly become a toxic relationship where the Pluto individual is manipulating and harming the Moon who becomes codependent and jealous of every aspect of the Pluto individuals life. Thats for sure. Moon Opposition Pluto 120 -67 Moon/Pluto is super sexually intense. In one article I read that in synastry with the Moon and Pluto this is often not the only aspect. (DW). Are we destine to be together?, whose more obsessed? We just wanna merge with each other! For now. Thank you,we also have Venus sesquiquadrate pluto synastry .I have no idea what that means.His lilith square my venus as well. I go with the synastry. He brings out bad and good emotions in me. However, because the Moon individual has never felt this type of connection before, they might continue the relationship just to feel these emotional highs. 4. I have Chiron in Pisces 1351. His pluto is conjunct my moon. Click on it, here is my e mail address to This attitude is why it is never advisable to hurt Moon people (generally, it is not advisable to hurt anyone). I was just wondering if he feels it at all or Im the only one? His ascendant trine my sun4.36 Moon/Pluto would be a contender. When your moon touches a persons Pluto, you join a club of a few. My Neptune sextile his Mercury (exact). A Venus-Pluto lover needs to love into the bottom layers, to "fully" and "completely" feel another's desire. Also, and this is important, is there any planet unaspected to the chart of the other person? I dont really work with them. I always felt our relationship was more special than others. Pluto Contacts in Synastry: Who Has the Power? - *His mars opposites my mars (cancer/capricorn). His pluto conjunct my ascendant orb 9.52 But you should also take into account other aspects to each, and placement by sign and house. Espero ansiosamente respuestas! I think you explained Moon/Pluto very well. Monica. and thats my question, cause I dont know whos the moon and whos pluto? Vertex sextile Sun 0.18 Moon/Pluto is super passionate and can be obsessed and feel fated. congrats for your site and advices. Hey its seeker again. It had to do with a very good friend of ours, who he nows hate and I have reconnected with after our break up. But, in general, Moon/Pluto is felt by each person, so my opinion is that he is equally obsessed with you. It feels intense but Im also wary of him if hes serious or just playing mind games.. His Moon and Uranus conjuncts his Pluto in Libra. Sun square Chiron 6.79 Perhaps theres not much here, but to be honest, Im afraid to take on the job. On the downside, the Moon person is likely to feel controlled or manipulated by the Pluto person. Hi Sweetie In general, the Moon conjunct Pluto is filled with deep bonding, intense emotions, being overwhelmed, emotional pain and strong sexual chemistry. I can not get it from I crash I can not refuse him . Lovely description. But with the couple's devotion and commitment to each other, there is nothing these people cannot solve. My Mars conj. The trine is just heavenly! Thank you so much for you so much. He told me that he had been watching me sleep for 20 minutes before waking me up. Venus Conjunction Neptune 027 117 I think this happens because they become such a part of usIts really hard to know where I end and he begins, at times. I am very sorry, Sugar dear. *confusion*. Sorry I made a mistake my pluto (virgo) conjuncts his sun (virgo)1.62 orb and in his natal chart, he has sun conjunct pluto. And yes, there is a 20 year age difference between us. Why dont you come and post your charts in my new Forum. My full synastry is quite expensive because it takes me almost a full week just devoted to you. Pisces sun It is associated with internal conflict and rough tensions. We never really get over our Moon/Pluto person xx. I have my Pluto tribe his moon, mercury and Neptune. YES, he is equally as obsessed! Thank you very much for the description of the Moon/Pluto aspect and giving us the opportunity to briefly describe our experiences with this rare and never to be taken lightly aspect in synastry. Read More About Karen Here. (The gift was promised before the blocking and I keep my promises.) Gender didnt matter. The guy I sit next to is afraid of my boss now. In a Venus square Pluto synastry, which one is more obsessive in This relationship is all about deep emotional transformation. Plutonian Relations Pluto in Synastry Synastry Q & A: The chemistry is extreme and we are also best friends. This keeps the energy moving and the romance alive. Moon in aspect to Pluto in synastry | neptune's aura astrology My Venus squares his Pluto, His Venus sextiles my Pluto I know from experience how that one feels. This persons a skilled practitioner and I feel like the procedure theyve been using to help solve my sore leg and back is prob. I have had a little bit of romantic involvement with a person called Mike whom we share synastry moon/pluto conjunction in the Geocentric chart, and for some reason neither of us continued our affair and now were just friends, but Ive never felt that intense love feeling (never fell in love) as I had with the earlier relationship with Draconic moon/pluto conjunction, even though I find myself feeling rather intensely about this guy when I see him socially just as friends, but that feeling subsides conveniently when I dont see him. They can put themselves in another's shoes. Hes 26 and Im 46 (albeit in quite good shape and looking much younger than my years. Amiaan gracias por responder tan pronto!! I dont know what to do Im just glad we dont live together anymore because that could get tricky. My Saturn is trine his Pluto My Pluto trine his Moon which aspect wins.though? Gem sun The weird thing for me is that I can understand that you run once. Ten Aspects for Obsession - My Christian Psychic But why come back and run again? Due to the fact we are each single-parenting teens, and dont want to uproot our respective crews, we only see one another 2-3 times a month, although we talk daily. Yes, I love Moon/Pluto. A sextile is a weaker trine. With his influence. It is sweet torture. I never know whos the one obssessing for the other, the Pluto person or the Moon . These individuals will quickly find themselves in an emotionally and sexually intense relationship. -my MOON conjunct his PLUTO 0.16 orb (in sag) I have Moon/ Pluto square and he has a trine and my Pluto trines his moon. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. How is it when you are together? I would really need to do a chart on you, in order to answer. Moon Pluto is something else Totally a major past life thing/ karmic encounter out of nowhere! And when this happens, they tend to hold on to these painful experiences. Anyway.. no big deal. ( I am the Moon person, and I have an exact trine with his Pluto. Hes in love with someone else. During a rough period, I considered breaking away and finding someone else who makes me feel the same, but as you can imagine, not only could I not do it, but I felt I never would find anyone like him. On the day the transiting moon conjuncts your natal Pluto, you may have your emotions deeply stirred by an intense encounter that brings deep rooted issues to the surface. Wow. You tend to act without thinking and lash out as a defense mechanism. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. *His Venus squares my venus (libra/capricorn). Thank you so much for your post, Love. We know each other for 2 2,5 years. I really dont know as I have not experienced this or done charts of people who have. My Venus square his Jupiter Strong attachment and pull toward each other. No tengo idea como entrar en tu foro,me enseas por favor?..y si no serias tan amable que sea a travs de este medio o a mi direccin de correo me explicases un poco mas sobre esta relacin con los datos de la sinastria que te envi! But, lasted shortly. Let me ask some questions. His Sun at 5 degrees Pisces conjunct my Moon at 7 Pisces (with his Pluto trining in there). Perhaps also of note, his Venus conjuncts my Pluto at 1.50 orb, his Pluto conjuncts my Uranus at 4.51 orb, his Sun conjuncts my Pluto at 6.04, his Pluto conjuncts my Jupiter at 6.51, his Pluto sextiles my Neptune at 1.00 orb, AND his Gemini Moon is SQUARE my Pluto at 1.28 orb (double whammy!). helpful. Pisces mercury Very SAME thing happened to me during the new moon in virgo! I always felt like I was supposed to be his, like I belonged to him. It is not changeable. Hi Ava! We also have a double whammy my Moon in Aquarius trine his Pluto in Libra. I feel a deep connection with this guy, like even if we are not in the same city I can see what is feeling, what is doing like our souls are tied, is weird. That would be so much easier and ask a few questions and I will try to answer! The Moon sees your soul and your desires that you refuse to admit. Vertex square Midheaven 0.26 My Sun and Pluto are in his 8th house. Interesting post! Saturn Square Uranus 224 -64 My Jupiter sextile his Moon Fear always about losing the other, about being alone with these intense feelings. Our Plutos are conjunct ( Virgo) Moon/Pluto trumps most everything in the synastry. okay phew! Scorpio/Cancer would be more so. So why has he already done a runner twice? I met him last year, so I haven't really had the time for other flings, but I absolutely couldn't imagine them, indeed. Celebrating for her even if shes not there. As is the case with all Pluto aspects, the Pluto person usually has the upper hand in the relationship. It gets insane day by day, loosing our minds, both of us. For the square, there can be power plays. I have some questions, what does it mean to have sado conjunct sun, semisextile Uranus, semisquare neptune, and semisextile ascendent? Oh my goodness!! I think this is actually the only a way I can have a lasting relationship with someone more or less my age. And later I am like oh come on, this was nothing, he will be like i dont even care. Great questions. Theres no relationship yet since well meet in a couple of weeks. I want to be with him but being cancer moon, scorp mercury, scorp venus, cancer moon, scorp jupiter, pisces saturn, scorp pluto :p I am a veryyyyy private person and when I am around him I can feel him breathing inside of me, looking into his eyes is so vulnerable that I do anything to avoid eye contact with him! BOTH Obsess. I think we both have this fear.of rejection, naturally. Sun square sun by sign, mercury square mercury by sign, moon opposite mercury = misunderstanding = bad communication. Anyone else noticed the assistance of asteroids or retro planets with their moon-pluto connections? The Moon Square Pluto synastry is a little infamous in the world of astrological interpretations. ). But how do I know whos the moon and whos the pluto? Mercury trine Midheaven 3.16 Let me know what happens because I will have you on my mind lol, I just posted the charts in the forum in the Personal Readings section with topic title Moon Trine Pluto in Synastry both ways!. His Pluto aspects my planets 6 times! Do you have Aldebaran or Betelgues conj something. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! How to I find that out? My Moon/Pluto guy disappeared completely, before anything ever happened romantically/sexually, and before our friendship even deepened. He said you could meet a million people and still never feel a connection like the one he feels towards me. While I have my Mars / Saturn / Pluto / Eros in Scorpio. There's going to be a lot of psychological processing and powerful mirroring as between the two as Sun represents our conscious ego identity and Pluto represents our shadow subconscious self. Its very common for people who have had a Moon Square Pluto synastry relationship to comment that this is the best sex theyve ever experienced. My Moon conjunct his Midheaven, his Mars opposite my Sun and his Eros conjunct my Psyche just to name a few. my mental health or previous trauma. On my part at least. What do your Moons do with each other, other than that Moon/Pluto trine? Which is heightened with our Neptune-Mercury double whammy aspects. Please help! Emotionally I have taken a distance from it but I am still very intrigued by the whole thing. but his moon is trine my pluto! Sometimes party together but there are at leas 3 colleagues and sometimes even 50. Some pleasant some unpleasant. Where's the square in that? I have no idea how he feels, but this is exquisite torture for me. I can tell my atraction is enormous and feel obsessed about him though. For me, I could care less about the person now lol, Hey, So question, me and this guy we have my moon(aquarias) square his pluto(scorpio) and again his moon(pieces) squares my pluto(scorpio) , the intensity is HIGH! with each other. , Ive got moon -pluto square in my natal chart, and in synastry his pluto is square to my moon..i dont know him well, but the soul to soul feeling is so intenseim totally obsessed. But note that synastry only interprets natal charts. The Pluto feels he wants to control the tender moon and the moon wants to submit. I think negative Neptune can indicate infidelity or anything negative that we might have missed in the relationship. Pluto is an astronomical body that drives transformation. North Node sextile Neptune 2.12 If he would let me I would love him deeply. Hello. I fear for bad things happening to you if you go with this guy when you both are married! You have made me feel a bit better! The other part that really rings true for us, is: " a blowup in the relationship can be triggered by.. or simply the unwillingness of either of you to change deeply ingrained habits that are offensive to each other.". What is this beautiful torture??? He has said all this when we were in a relationship and after our break up. This is exactly what I needed to read. His Pluto at 9 Scorpio trine my Moon at 7 Pisces My Mercury is also opposite his Sun (4 degrees) and Mercury (1 degree), which does not help. Its 8 degrees and that also makes the Moon Pluto square a bit more wide ~ perhaps thats a good thing lol. I have Moon in Capricorn 2321. Red Flag Aspects in Synastry Notes on Astrology They will feel like they need each other, and their souls connect. Uranus Opposition Moon 221 -68 Its only him I see. Synastry is concerned with two different people connecting. I could be wrong of course, R. Thank you, Ami. It is intense and feels like a whirlpool. The only things that scares me it is this powerful attraction. My Moon quintile his Moon ( We want to say all the right things. In that point of time I was going through a difficult relationship. Not being together is almost painful! I understand , Thank you a lot for answering me . How are you going to get along, given that you two are opposites? I agree with you about this aspect. It is a super attraction aspect with that sexy, violent edge. Im still waiting four months later today, on her birthday. 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