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There were some homework hosted on zybooks that were very difficult to understand how to do. zyBooks are available in topics ranging from introductory programming courses in various languages to mobile app development. I think it was better than reading the textbook by myself. I think its the best place to learn even for those does not enjoy reading big books because the book only have necessary objects. It was helpful to have the resource of zybooks to go back to in order to remember information and study but I would not consider it a tool when first being introduced to new course content. I have found it very helpful in my courses. Good for learning the material,TERRIBLE for going back to review it again. The website is easy to use and the lessons themselves are useful as a supplemental resource along with my course classes. I like how it is very interactive and the animation is very helpful. Super easy to use, no technical difficulties. It's a nice, interactive tool to facilitate material. It presents the material in an easy to understand way and looking back on the assignments is a great way to review material for tests. Where my instructor lacked code examples, zybooks picked up that slack. The format is a huge improvement on typical online textbooks. I love it! The active activities do aide in learning the material. I think zyBooks is good, I wish instructors would utilize the testing system more, CS test are hard to deal with due to subjectiveness. Also, if there were more in-depth details on certain topics, it would be greatly appreciated. just a better ui for the transitions with fsm simulators, would be nice. Zybooks is interactive but it would be better if there is a lecture video before the topic and then the interactive section. I am enjoying the material except zyBooks is terrible. How do you expect people to learn programming like that? It does not need to be severe, just enough to encourage people to actually read the material. It was nice, for a computer science course, to have an interactive textbook. Their use, compared to traditional reading, requires less time and is less monotonous, as well as often being easier to understand. Good source of material, but programming assignments are sometimes too easy. I love the fact that we can do activities directly from the book and that they are graded as we do them. It is a great way to learn content. I thought it was a good way to further learn the material that the professor has presented. You show so many complicated and confusing concepts to newer coders right off the bat and leave out so many basic principles at the same time. Honestly I really like Zybooks. I don't know about other books, but your computer programming 1 book is bad. A important part of this proccess is the interaction of the student with the programs that he creates: Is by interaction that the student's mind can solidify the concepts that he learn, and is by interaction that he can learn how to fix errors. It is far better than just reading a textbook, and for me actually less time consuming than just reading. Many of my friends just clicked through the program randomly until they got a correct answer then moved along. An easy and effective method to learn the material! I have enjoyed the highlights and activities relation to my courses(i.e intro to programming with Java and C and Machine language), works well and is great as an interactive textbook, I really like the way they teach the subject, i don't know about other subjects yet, but for computer science zybooks is actually very helpful. I have always struggled with math and this year I wasn't doing so well. I really enjoy the coding and the test we have to take a part in. zyBooks makes it easy to go back section by section and go over specific material with exercises and slides. Our goal is to continually improve so we can help more students succeed, and more instructors have a better teaching experience too. I wish it could have audio explaining things sometimes, as I am an auditory learner. zyBooks has interactive activities that makes the process of learning more interesting, I enjoy working through zyBooks and find it a very good way to learn. I find the Participation Activities to be a great way to reinforce my learning as I read. It was decent for the majority of the time. It was a great way to practice C++ programing skills. I had to retake CSIS 1400 because the first time I didn't really learn as much as I hoped. It is very interactive, so it helps me learn much better. The challenge activities are very useful in making sure you learn the content. Make it easy and fun. It's well designed and the interface is nice. I learn more by discussions or other physical interactions. I don't think our teacher's teaching style was compatible with Zybooks, though I do like the exercises. Being able to make mistakes was useful too as it helped to build an understanding of how to address things that didn't work as expected. I enjoyed using zyBooks. As it was my first time programming, it provided a clear and organized comprehension method allowing me to catch onto concepts and the language quite quickly. I thought it contains super helpful tips and tricks. Sometimes the coding "do it yourself" problems were very difficult even after reading the context. The zyBooks e-textbook is one of the best e-textbooks I have ever used, with progress checks that are actually substantive. I am using another textbook for this course as well and I find the other book to be more straightforward. What I dislike about zybooks is we need to pay high prices just to rent the books. zybooks is bad - maryspiresstudio.maryspiresart.com Very good website, instructor set up poorly, compiles code slowly for turning in questions. Do zyBooks work on a mobile phone? Do you have an app? It's easy to navigate and helpful. await doAll (). The interactive portion of zybooks is incredibly useful in learning new material. I found the graphics extremely helpful in understanding how everything interacts in an operating system. Compared to a textbook, we provide infinitely more feedback (literally). Other than these select problems, I overall found the book really really useful. Out of all the different online learning sources I've had to use over the past two years, Zybooks has always proven to be the most reliable and insightful option. Worked well, I think its much better than any of the previous online coding systems Ive used, Loads of information in an easily digestible format. It's a good opportunity to understand the material easier. Very thorough and interactive with its material. I feel they could go a bit faster. I personally favored zybooks of all the shitty homework softwares I had to use lol. The coding challenge exercises are well-executed and help me learn as I am reading. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Instructors can evaluate any full zyBook for free. I think a little more help on challenge activities would be good. Seeing multiple ways to use the tools during the reading as well as at the end of the chapter were extremely helpful when working on the week's assignments. What was the color of Dooku's lightsaber when he was a Jedi? I find the check-in questions to be extremely helpful for my understanding of the different concepts. it's not that bad but it can be frustrating when many sections are assigned at once, its helpful and allows you to learn online efficiently. It really prepares you with its activities and is an overall great addition to this already great site. It is a very clever way to present textbook content, in particular related to coding. Love the challenge problems and lots of examples. It was the first online textbook I enjoyed more than physical textbooks. Super easy and quick to use. I just started my Software Dev degree at WGU in July. I thought zyBooks platform was very easy to understand and find information. Its an amazing tool to use for classes, it helps greatly by making the material very easy to understand. I'm finding it very helpful especially with the illustrations and animations. very useful especially when we do not have our textbooks. The material takes a bit to understand, and the question at the bottom is harder and different from what was taught at the top. I do not think I could have learned any other way. I think they are good but for my class they are bad. The generic examples and the primary use of flow charts instead of code used as examples makes it difficult for me to practically apply what I've learned. When comparing the answer to the chapter, I couldn't figure out how they derived the solution from reading the text. zyBooks is a great interactive learning tool that helps fill in the gaps between my lectures. I enjoy how simple, organized, and straight forward it is. zyBooks helps you learn in an interactive way. The fact that it reinforces your learning with practicable examples helped me learn programming concepts better with zero programming experience. It explained the concepts well and provided good practice for each concept as well. I think its a pretty good program. zyBook in a great was to lean material and practice. It is not my favorite software to use, but it is definitely helpful when it comes to reviewing materials with the challenges and participations. I'm just starting CS program slackiswhack 2 yr. ago For Python: PyCharm For Java: Eclipse Good luck. And that's worrying, because there's a lot of really good free resources avaliable on the internet. The participation activities actually encouraged me to look through the passages, because messing up on a question doesn't negatively affect you, I was able to learn in a comfortable environment. It was a great hands-on tool for me to learn as I go. The C++ module with Professor _____ had labs created by him that requiring skills not covered in the participation and challenge activities. zyBooks is great! I wish there was some more help with labs but overall a great service. I think the financial team should rethink it's margins and what they profit. Material is good as it walk throughs the topics. I like the organization of the textbook including the animations to demonstrate the subject matter, all in all this is a useful text that should be integrated for all subjects. Interactive. I would be happy to see other class in zybook. its pretty good but sometimes when I feel like im coding to pass tests rather than to code for a purpose. One of my only requests would be to be able to purchase a book. Its a great resource to use while coding an assignment. There were other areas too, this is just the one I can remember off the top of my head. On the positive end, the material is easy to learn due to diagrams and other illustrations. I really dislike the labs. A great book has to be interesting to every level. increased by Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Another request is for more help when stuck, usually on programming. Organized, repetitive, instills learning. Seems like busy work. It was very good to understand and helped a lot. I liked the web systems design it was helpful for learning to create a website, i have never loved having textbooks online, but zybooks is much better than expected. I have access to zybooks anywhere as long as i have a decent connection to wifi. The textbook overall could have used more detail for the contents. zyBook is really amazing and easy to use. However it can be confusing to read the text of programming, making learning how to code difficult. I think it's a cool interactive way to learn, but I don't think it's for everyone. A subreddit for all questions related to programming in any language. Our class was flipped, so this is how we learned new material. That is really useful for me having such a short attention span. The instructor had a difficult time providing unit tests and other 'test' mechanisms that could help us understand WHAT was wrong with our code other than the code did not pass the tests. Its a good resource but the program assigns homework quickly negating the full advantage of the online textbook. I benefitted from the many exercises in coding and reading/solving code outcomes. While many of my peers felt annoyed by the challenge or participation activities, I felt them to be very helpful to my learning. Great Job! "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Especially considering i have never taken a program class before. It is pretty useful for learning ans studying, but sometimes the assignments on here are over material we never really went over. Worked decently - for the big stuff I mostly copy and pasted from my own editor though. I enjoy the interactive aspect of the site that is not paralleled in any regular physical textbook. zyBooks assignments really helped me understand the material I was learning because of its interactive aspects. It's easy to navigate and the material is useful. I really like it and the interactive activities, Very informative. I wish more classes would use it. Terms of Use Privacy DMCA Notification Policy 2021 zyBooks, Katherine Murphy, Student, Clemson University, Dale Reed, University of Chicago, Illinois, Laiba Mustafa, Student, University of Guelph, inspired by a Chinese philosopher, 818 AD. zyBooks provides organization and clarity for your assignments, due dates, and other activities that you have to do. It is easy to use and the explanations are clear. I am learning a lot of new things! Anonymize references to competitor products (using ___). I learn best through examples and homework problems. With that said, a smartphone is quite small for the learning experience that zyBooks target. It explained things in a fun and descriptive way as well. Definitely helps make possibly boring subjects/concepts more easier to swallow. In one case - I had completed a program as specified by our teacher, and when I put it through the tests it failed 0/9. It is very helpful and compliments a lecture well. Hi everyone, I'm a online tutor, and I get many SNHU students that are taking CS classes, most of them are having contact with a programming language for the first time (mainly python), and a recurring issue that I see with beginners from this university, is that they are completely lost with really basic concepts (assignment, variables, literals, input/output), and the main culprit seems to be the Zylabs. Not only does it help with my classwork, the modules and quizzes are very helpful and I'm grateful that the quizzes show the correct answer. I think it is very helpful and easy to follow. It's fun and simple. I liked how the site was but some of the coding problems were really difficult and we should not have deadlines on the homeworks. Its a good learning tool, but the Challenge Activities dont always function in Firefox and some of the Participation Activities can be bypassed too easily in my opinion. Very thorough and bravo zyBooks! It has been as useful as any other traditional textbook interface, if not better. zyBooks was helpful in reviewing or getting ahead in the class. over simplifies the concepts and the graphic things are too slow, Easy to use learning platform, and the challenge activities can help students learn better. But this, zybooks has completely changed the way I think about programming and how I approach the problems. Initially, when we switched to remote learning, I thought that having a mandatory textbook requirement would be a nuisance; however zyBooks is actually a really good resource. I really liked zyBooks. One problem I have would be the video portions seem to be a bit time consuming. Would have loved to used zybooks for one of my psychology courses. Very useful for my computer science classes, but the math courses use such intense jargon that it simply takes too long to process. It works well to portray exactly what is necessary. Thanks for listening to me then and now! When I miss something in lecture they are a great way to learn the code. Terms of Use Privacy DMCA Notification Policy 2021 zyBooks. I really like the interactive features because practicing code right after learning makes it solidify in my memory. Being able to make notes directly on the labs would be beneficial to studying for exams. It provided a solid learning process through this unsuspected development. I really like the interactive nature of zybooks and the questions throughout the notes. I love this software because it teaches and helps when incorrect answers are input rather than just saying you are wrong. I enjoy zyBooks more than other textbooks as the assignments are engaging and the labs are relevant and decently challenging. I have been having an enjoyable time learning the material the way zyBooks presents it. The coding portion of the assignments is awful. Our teacher didn't even know what the chapters were about. I really enjoy the examples and the short activities within each lesson. I appreciated the points system and the multiple checkpoints granted for the chapters; however, I wish that some of the content was more linearly explained. It kept me engaged and it made me actually remember the stuff I learned in the textbook. Zybook is very closeminded with answers. Some concepts like Linked-Lists are very confusing to grasp at first especially understanding pointers but the animations made it very clear for me. The activities allow me to visualize how it works. Sometimes the reading was difficult to understand, but other than that I enjoyed zybooks. The way it checks labs can be annoying, but readings are great. Griffins Menu Blanchard Pa, Private Land Elk Hunts, Who Is The Executive Chef At Caesars Palace, Articles Z