joe rogan dr rhonda patrick vitamin dward gangsters middleton

Yeah, there's been sampling where you like you go to like Walgreens or CVS. And I think people need vitamin D anyways. Yeah. Terrified to do that because I don't want to ruin my Apple Watch, you know, I've grown tired and like Kevin, Kevin Rose was like, no, just put your hand on. But I was like, it's got to be killing these things though. And in particular, one one virus, the systematic megalo virus DMV. And I like, injured myself. I've gotten so much better at it. I mean, it's so ignorant to have no idea. And you know, the effects on babies. But you can go to Buffalo Trace website and take the virtual tour online. Yeah, it's really it's so horrible. So it's not like full stop. I use a day. There's also interesting effects on like fat oxidation effects, fat oxidation, because it's important for carnitine, which isn't necessary for oxidizing fat, like there's been clinical studies where people are like burning more fat when they're exercising, if they have vitamin C and if they have low vitamin C levels or not like burning as much fat. So I've been working my continuous glucose monitor for a year and a half, maybe two years now. I think it's not very accurate, but duration is pretty accurate. Dr. Patrick goes into detail on the Vitamin D sweet spot and its effect on anti-aging below. So I'm doing like popcorn. Percent of patients that died with covid-19 were vitamin D deficient. He's an angel. I'll give you some. So, you know, and then there was another study that was like some other messed up diabetic animal model where the vitamin D actually didn't increase the ace to receptor, but it increased what's called soluble ace to which is in like it's in the periphery. And I learned so much as I always do. You're always an awesome resource. But because I can I'm good at jumping rope and it should have been doing that. Wow. But I did sleep, you know, because I was I was sleep deprived. It's like, OK, this is this is this is like the morning and your circadian clock starts and then, you know, so you become sleepy when you're supposed to become sleepy, as long as you're not in tons of, you know, bright light at night. He wants to party all day, every day. But I just think the data strong. And that's what was shown to happen with these with the Sajko one. And that's like we've been like leaning towards that. There it is. People are more likely to make change when like you can't like if something they have to be motivated to make the change themself or just otherwise it doesn't work, you know. So anybody's working the late shift. Is there any way you can make that year? So. I mean, I couldn't I couldn't believe it. Yeah. Thanks so much for having me back on Park. Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) as a COVID-19 treatment? I got to write so up like pour the for the water on the hot rocks to like just get it really feeling really hot. That's one of the ways that they there's operations that they do to try to alleviate it and they just cut out some of the tissue inside your mouth and then they also cut out your you could avoid tonsils. I want to believe it because it's easy, it's safe. He will. Yeah, it was terrible. He's like, fuck yeah. I'm just taking 5000 right now because that's like I could buy the five. I was like, he tried protein's and I was like talking science. Become a premum member and get access to all our member benefits starting at $15/mo. We didn't talk about that. I mean, you know, so so, of course I want to believe it, you know, but like, there was this interesting study where African-Americans who are very deficient in vitamin D, they were given a vitamin D supplement for like a month and it decreased their epigenetic age by like two years. But what's really interesting is that, you know, the the very receptor that this sars-cov-2 virus binds to to gain entry into the cell, it's called E to that very receptor plays a really important role in preventing lung damage and and basically and preventing acute lung injury, preventing acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS. But anyways, what can I ask you this point? What you're getting is your lower back. Oh, I've done it. You're not getting real sleep because you're constantly being woken up and shocked into the state of like, no, it's really bad. But I think the most interesting thing that I learned really had to do with the the pharmacokinetics, which is basically like how much vitamin C raises your plasma levels and like is, you know, is there a saturation point where you can eat, you know, 20 grams of vitamin C but still only get to the certain point, you know, and then versus what you do, if you like, in your, you know, inject it into your veins. The children, it's real weird with this disease because some children are getting sick, but it's a very small number. Wow. Well, oh, no. I hope that's do the saliva bit. But they're in there for like an hour, you know, and they're getting they raised their core body temperature. I do. Four percent of patients that died from covid-19 were vitamin D ERSEK four percent, only four percent were vitamin D sufficient. It's very strong. Like, what is the difference? I think it's going to be once a week. And they did all these sub analysis and that was great because they got to the bottom of it. I don't know if it was like placebo or not, but like B 12 is a big impact on your ability to do work. You know, who wants to wear a mask, but maybe to open up the. I didn't know I thought that was going to kill everybody. You can get Dr. Patricks vitamin D3 supplement on Amazon. When you look at your musculature, the large percentage of it is from the waist down. So Dan and I don't we don't have a TV in our room bedroom, but when we go travel, we're in a hotel, we're in that. Why is it OK? And then so elderly elderly are like insanely more deficient. And then he would go without breathing for multiple seconds. We were just like we bought freezers I elk burger. And, you know, part of that, an adaptive immune response is, you know, to produce antibodies. Yeah, you can find it, Brian. Barroso, Laird, Hamilton, Laird, I talk, but like I was about to, like, go to one of his I was like literally going to get on a plane and go to Hawaii. Exactly. Yeah, I'm just I'm amazed that the numbers of people that are deficient, it's so stunning. Oh yeah. Right. You fucks gardening. Then I was put in a bunch of water on a nose breathing big, long, deep nose. No, no water just dry like I, I like that but I'm so accustomed to 180 that I used one in Vegas and when I was there so it was one sixty, I was like this is ridiculous. So this is also a problem with vaccines. You may get it a little bit more. What about cold shock proteins and the I mean, how much difference is it between taking a really cold shower ice bath versus something like krail cryotherapy, like the place that I took you to. And I think that there's there's potentially multiple mechanisms, immune, you know, modulations, but also just the fact that, like BDNF, you know, there's a study showing that hot baths do increase BNF and body and brain derived neurotrophic factor, which why would you think everybody would know what that means? You're not making vitamin D. Also, if you have darker skin, melanin protects you like the whole, you know, people with darker skin, people from maybe Africa or India or South Asia, the more equatorial regions, they're closer, you know, closer to to to the equator. You get your plasma levels of vitamin C up to 90, you take five hundred. Obtaining the correct amount of vitamin D is not possible with diet alone. But, you know, it's like you can't read the comments. And the reason for that is because when the hormone vitamin D hormone binds to receptor, it activates all these genes and that the genes do stuff that are, you know, regulate immune function. Right. At work. But TMJ is, what am I saying, the right thing. Awesome. So actually, it's actually I don't want to go into this, but yeah, no, I don't get cancer. But like before before I was doing the sauna every single day. Yeah. So the heat shock proteins directly can activate urinate immune system, but they also have antiviral activity against influenza virus. I did a sleep study once because of sleep apnea. So like people like giving giving the vaccine people's immune response, some people can have that antibody dependent enhancement. We don't know that. CPF alternative. It wasn't just something that you could like you're mentioning, but, you know, at the time of getting it also the respiratory illness connection, there have been correlation studies out of Finland showing that people actually, I think the study was men, only men that do use this on a two to three times a week. So what do you not think is accurate? That's awesome. Yeah. I think we will like there's large there's large scale Serov surveys being done. That's amazing too. There's the Pepcid. I was actually doing it once a week before. I was like I gave myself TMJ. And I don't know, I got to, like, do some more reading because, like, it's not that's not uniform. So that's a marker a month. Hmm. It's thought the sars-cov-2 also does it because it goes through the same enters through the same receptor. I have really tiny ear canals and I just like I can't some people can sleep with earplugs, like I just can't. I mean, like keeping your body healthy is totally over. So what is the difference? Dr. Rhonda Patrick | Joe Rogan Experience - Podcast Notes It's like they're concerned, I mean, about that and completely trying to, like, figure that all out. She didn't. It's from that plant. It's got synergetic properties which means it can it's been shown, it's been identified as a possible compound that can clear out senescent cells, which are those cells that are you know, they accumulate with age and they're basically like they're not dead, but they're just like not really functioning. It's not like, you know, drugs. Because you have two showers in the shower. This was the worst that's ever happened to me. Yeah, hormone. Right. We're going to all like make a trip. So the ginger lemon does. No, I like the few studies that I've seen and some people that I like doing insane juicing and they're already, like, messed up, you know, so I'm not concerned at all, like even like the oxalate. That's Louis right there. So so I think that's that's certainly, you know, the issue. I think we kind of got it dialed in. It's an amazing company, distilled, aged and bottled by Buffalo Trace Distillery. That's OK. Yeah, Zink's another one that's really, you know, important for immune function as well. Absolutely. I appreciate you very much. You can't manage that, right? Yes. So I got my data back pretty, pretty recent and I still hover around 50 nanograms per ml, even though before I was taking 4000 it didn't. That's amazing, as is the pregnancy, and he's like, no, he's like we get women coming in here after, it's like worse. Some notes from her podcasts on the JRE. Yeah, for Jamie, can you pull up filmi fitness and there's a vitamin C topic page so that we I can answer that question better because there's just there's a graph if you just like scroll to the graph, there's like all this is on your website, which tell everybody I found my fitness dotcom vitamin C or episode page of the podcast. Twenty percent of all rubs sources in Liner's visit, Tregear grills Dotcom Joe and use the code Rogan at checkout to get free shipping on all orders. You know, so that's that's kind of the the reason to kind of be cautious when when you have something new and a small one small study just seems like in the beginning at least, they're trying to figure out what the correct treatment was for these people as they were just showing up in mass in the emergency rooms and they didn't really know. Oh, I'm glad you brought that up, because there was, you know, so a couple of things. Yes. Shame on me. Like I chewed so much xylitol gum. Mother in law. I mean, you'd think she'd had Kovik. You know, like like that's been shown. It's like like three hours before shelter in place was put in California. But there are studies also showing that either vitamin K one. You know, I don't you know, I'm not sure. This is something that your body can generate naturally if you're exposed to the sun on a daily basis. I'm just so thankful that it's not as bad, right, I mean, I really am thankful as well, but I think our government needs to make an adjustment. I'm definitely not going to do it the way it was before. A two and a ten degrees. Yeah. But like adults, you know, you know, I think that if you're working, you want to open your your your restaurant back up your, you know, like masks. They don't bind as tight or something. So I don't remember. Hiking trails and paths allowing distancing horsetrading singles jogging and running. It's not going to be forever? And in a time when it feels like the world is stopping, they will emerge on the other side of this crisis and show that life goes on just like their distillery has lived through and survived so much. Yeah, as B six and B 12 also, that looks interesting, I used to take when I was like doing long distance running, I was running like eight to ten miles a day. I got a mouthpiece and it's amazing. The whole thing seems to be a mess. Listen to this episode from The Joe Rogan Experience on Spotify. And you can actually the recipe if you use it through the application, it actually monitors the cook cycle for you see if the recipe calls for, you know, two hundred degrees for X amount of minutes and then 400 degrees at the end that the application will do all that stuff. And then the intravenous vitamin C, you can. He's like he's doing like really large surveys where they're they're they're going to be analyzing Cierra from people from like, you know, blood donors and stuff and like following them over the course of several years to see, you know, just basic understand more. Like he had. I love their rubs, their Saskatchewan blackened rub. And it's like, yes, it's very addictive. Healthy Fats, RELATED: Joe Rogans Diet & Workout Routine. There's another meta analysis that looked at two hundred milligrams up to like 200 milligrams, up to two grams. You're not diabetic. It's kind of like you read these stories. But what is known is that people with type of blood are are less susceptible to contracting covid-19 that's that's definitely known. But this study, instead of doing it from the shoulders down where I told you about the Depression, it was like only 20, 30 minutes. For this reason, Dr. Rhonda Patrick is extremely important. Intro. Promoting strategies to increase healthspan, well-being, cognitive and physical performance through deeper understandings of biology. I'll find it. Yeah. What is happening in the body that's causing their immune system, this this hormone deficiency, not having this vitamin D, whether it's through sun exposure. I was like, how do I get out here? Yeah, I've I've like I was doing it. And it's been shown that like if you for example, if you give mice lipo polysaccharide or something that's going to cause lung injury and then you give them vitamin D for the lung injury itself also causes the E receptor to decrease. I mean, that's a big open question that seems possible without we don't have an answer to that. You know, after doing just so much, of course, the past couple of months, I've been nothing but like reading about the immune system and trying to understand, of course, this new virus, sars-cov-2. It's a game changer. Check out her podcast, Found My Fitness and visit her website for tons of research articles and interviews. So physical activity was like the king. What does this page grooved outdoor activities. Today I took a cold shower from home and my son is not there and I did it just because I wanted to have the mood affects the norepinephrine that's been shown to be increased and it was much colder. Yeah. I don't know the names changed or not but I thought that was so awesome because she named it after like the sona because the truth comes out, you just start talking like, yeah, start you know, it's intense. The most kids get it by the time they're two, like, there's no vaccine that that that's given. Joe Rogan Experience & Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Fasting. Yeah. Didn't understand the difference. So I kind of with his help, I've helped him design an open arm trial, very small for his patients where where where he is going to be giving them fifty thousand. I don't know. That's a big difference. But a little it's a little stronger data in the in Indonesia, patients that died 90 of almost 100 percent, it was like ninety eight point something. That's made by teeter. How much vitamin D does Dr. Rhonda Patrick recommend? Yeah, those are great. And if you need to speak to an attorney there, independent attorney network is there to guide and advise you. Like multiple studies in humans showing this, it's like a big deal. The infrared scanners are like they're like changing electrons. Is that going to look him up? It also causes like kidney problems and all sorts of things. There's zero difference in the benefits of it. Now, I'm like, we've got to be careful. It's really good. Just me. Dr Rhonda Patrick has popularised the use of vitamin D as a supplement and arguably the original proponent of fasting that reached the MMA community. What is it? But after a week, people that had the heat treatment, local heat treatment, had almost 40 percent less muscle atrophy and shoot in animal studies. Could Vitamin D's role in the ACE2 renin-angiotensin system help That is a more primitive version of the one that we have out there. But like like biology is always way more complicated than just a simple taking it out of a big picture. OK, almost like UV protector got got microbiome. So the sauna, I know of one study where people that sat in a hundred and sixty three degree Fahrenheit sauna for 30 minutes had Heacock proteins. Exactly. But they're also stressed out and they have anxiety in particular, if their bills are piling up and they have no income through. So infrared sauna, the main difference between infrared scanners and like the regular dry sonas that you and I use is that the regular dry sonas are heating the ambient air. It's routinely used for sepsis, like friends of mine, you know, use that use it for treating sepsis. It's all really awful. They're shedding the virus through the sprinkler systems. Hormone. Yeah. The one that I'm getting, it's like it's found it like Whole Foods and sprouts and it's don't have the same amount of active culture though. That's awesome. Living in scotland I could have told you that no sunshine makes you miserable, 6 hours of overcast "daylight" in the winter is pretty brutal. But that's kind of the concern. So, yeah, that gene that it's known to lower, it lowers it leads to lower vitamin D levels. I like that for that. Do they they are more prone to zinc deficiency. It's a buffalo with a big old buffalo sac. You can control the temperature up and down. That's one thing that they're investigating. Like show me what you're saying when you're talking about you talking about just regular sweat. Why is that? So as opposed to having a severe form, it's just like you're less likely to contract it even more. And I took it because I was like, well, she's sick and I've been around her and like, I don't want to get sick. It just makes sense that if you have more leg strength, that means you're doing more activity. It's so simple and it's so delicious because it's just fire and wood. I use every five days a vitamin D, so it's like a weekly dose because a lot of times these people are severely deficient. Like, can you wear a mask for a couple of months and like, here's why it's not going to work to just have the people that are vulnerable wear the mask because the cloth mask isn't going to prevent them from getting, you know, the aerosolized drop if you're spreading it and asymptomatic, which is that it's been shown that you if you are asymptomatic, that CDC study I mentioned a while ago about how symptomatic versus asymptomatic after a week when they came back to measure the people again, they found that out of the 13, 10 of them actually did get symptoms. It's in a dark bottle. My mom is like, you know, she's Nana. We have stocked you up. The IV is really being used as a therapeutic treatment. So there's lots of things. Watch Here. That's interesting. Man, I think you've got to have the option. Like, that is not the case. I just. What's interesting is that the immune system. I mean like not being able to breathe. And, you know, I think that that itself it's an interesting field. Like if there's if there's antibodies that you're making against another coronavirus, beta coronavirus that's in the same family as this SARS one, no one's had SARS, one in the United States, you know, so like that one doesn't that that's not as relevant as. You know, so that's a big concern. It might be coming out. That's who you would depend upon when you wanted to know. Oh great. And it's just anyways. Unfortunately, a lot of people remain deficient in vitamin D. This is the result of using sunscreen and remaining indoors for the majority of the day. It bothers me when people like, well, then don't go on Twitter, period, because most people are unhappy or YouTube. I love energy. I know she still does. There was a study that was over twenty five randomized controlled trials. And at the end of the conversation, I was just spilling everything. I'm not hearing anything about methods, nutrition that boosts your immune system. Totally. Ginger Lemon. So, like, you know, Frolick in Oakland don't really go together. Month to month and a half or whatever, and we kind of like my team and I just drove in and put together an article, released a podcast on it, a video where we just kind of covered everything. Really? And I was like, says, you have to you can't wear any clothes or some suit or anything. My friends, thank you so much. Best distillery in America. And I was like, oh, there's no better way to one because I just be so because 90 minute yoga classes in one hundred and five degrees is fucking rough. You can. That's got to be so bad for you. But test people. Whoa, crazy, right? That's not UVB. Yeah. Dude, this is really bad. vitamin C was high in her plasma. And I filmed him and I, I told him when he woke up, I go, Hey, man, I go, do you know you have sleep apnea? What's going to protect that area is muscle and strength and also flexibility work. Yeah, there is. It is. There was an article that I was reading yesterday that was saying that they're hoping that they've found some antibodies in llamas, that they're hoping they're going to be able to because let's see if we can find this because of these antibodies in llamas, the they're hoping they can either transfer them to people or learn something about how these antibodies are created. Legal Zoom Where Life Meets Legal were also brought to you by Buffalo Trace Whiskey. You know, it's important. Most of these studies are about a month. Cloudy all the time. - 1 capsule/day Vitamin D - Thorne Research D3 - 5,000 IU/day Magnesium - Pure Encapsulations Magnesium Glycinate - 120mg/day Fish Oil - N-PURE-3 - 4 grams/day (currently unavailable, alternative: Carlson Maximum Omega) Rhonda Patrick's Additional Regular Vitamins & Supplements: And that's like the maximum level you can get from oral supplementation, 220 milligrams. Exactly. And his fight for the forgotten charity is doing amazing work. Wow. Shelter in place. It also has been shown to like kill viruses and stuff and a variety of different studies. Yeah yeah yeah. It's the only bourbon with balls. So is acetate or gluconate, which one is superior? And it's also been show that the sars-cov-2 and antibodies against the Sajko one can neutralize the common cold one. What difference? I told you my xylitol story. Posted on There's a reason for his enthusiasm: vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins of all, yet also one that people are commonly deficient in. You're not always getting sick. Like, that's what I wanted to say, you know, just a few of those those guys that you just like you like maybe I just I don't know, like do a big comprehensive search the literature and understand things and, you know, don't have that exact study just yet. Use Spheres And Diameter In A Sentence, Articles J